Sunday, May 5, 2013

7. Care, eggs and flying?

Good morning.  I hope you have a fabulous day
love you
1. How much care to your pet chickens actually require? Not very much actually. We go out every morning at around 8 or 9. That's actually really good (we used to at 7). They can wait so late because they already have food and water, a window, and a light that comes on. We then dump in some kitchen scraps and fill up their food or water when needed. Then they get locked back up at night. So overall really simple!

2 Why do the chickens lay different colored eggs? I'm not really sure... A friend told me that you can tell what color eggs a chicken will lay by the color of it's ears, though. Haha! But, this is the first question to stump me. I'll look it up as soon as I can and let you know though.*

3 Can chickens fly? Sort of. They can't soar like a hawk or anything, obviously, but they can fly some. A chicken just jumps and flaps it's wings, so they can get up to bars/roosts, over fences, etc. I think they can get up to about 20 feet.

*Answer is in next post, 8 :)

Love you and Goodnight!


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