Tuesday, May 21, 2013

21. Instincts, competition, goat toys?

Good morning.  I hope you are having a marvelous day. 

When chicks hatch do they instinctively know who their mother is and focus on her or will any hen do? Well, usually when chicks hatch their mom is on them, so they know. If their mother wasn't sitting on them they would most likely die, since it would be too cold. Therefore, they wouldn't have the chance to just find any hen.
Do chicks show competitive behavior? What do you mean exactly? 

Do your goats need to stay in their yard all the time?  That is to say, if they got away, would they just keep going or would they come home?  And do goats like toys, the way a dog will love a toy or ball? If they did get out, they would most likely just graze or if they saw or heard us, they would probably try to come find us. The only reason they ever try to get out is to follow us usually. They don't really play with toys, they love just running and playing with other creatures(us, the dogs, or another goat). I have seen them play with an empty water bucket though.


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