Sunday, May 19, 2013

19. Taxonomic classification of a domestic chicken, weather vanes and goats skittishness?

So far I have learned so much from this blog.  In the family of Galliformes (which is the order) the chicken is include in the Phasianidae (obviously the family).  This I knew and obviously Galliformes  is a huge order with over 290 species.  They are found all over the world. I think that is so cool. 

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae
Genus: Gallus
Species: G. gallus
Binomial name:
Gallus gallus

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Order: Anseriformes
Family: Anatidae
Merginae  (this is where I pulled the info from)
 That's so neat! Also, if you ever have anything like this that you want to post on the "Chick-a-doodle" page, that would be so cool!
Now I was wondering, can you have other orders such as anseriformes cohabitate with the phasianidae.  i.e. can you have ducks that will live peacefully with the chickens? Chickens are very good around other animals. They can live with all kinds of mammals and yes other birds too. We have friends that keep their chickens with ducks and some with emus. So yes they can cohabitate peacefully with anseriformes.

Interesting fact that I thought was cool:  Pope Gregory 1, in the sixth century said that the cock is the emblem of Christianity.  It is reputed that he said something along the lines of the rooster being the most suitable emblem of Christianity and the emblem of St. Peter.  Now, many people believe that this is why the rooster was used on weather vanes on church steeples.  I do know that the Rooster that is on Old St. Peters Basillca served as a religious symbol to remember Peters denial of Christ.  Some theories say the origin of the weather vanes that are roosters on church steeples are an emblem of the vigilance of the clergy calling the people to prayer.  Just thought that was an interesting fact. Wow! How do you know all of this? Fascinating! I read, a lot

Do you have a weather vane on the ranch?  Just curious. No we do not, but we should get one.  They're so neat!

Are your goats particular about the people and animals around them?  That is to say, do they only like those they have learned will fulfill their et-epimeletic needs? Or do they generally like anyone? Are they skittish? They don't really like the dogs, but Laverne and Shirly actually didn't mind them. Laverne even played with the dogs once. They like all people though. They're not really skittish, but a bit wary at first when meeting new people. Then they're perfectly fine. A lot of animals get along with goats. Sometimes when we take our goats to the pasture to run, the horses that live a couple houses down will start calling the goats while running back and forth along the fence. It's really funny!



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