Saturday, May 18, 2013

18. Chickens age, apple juice, roost elevation, weather and floppy ears?

Why do chickens have so many names for their age, i.e. pullet?  And can you clarify for me what each is named and at what stage or age? They have so many names because it's easier to say that you have a pullet then a chicken under a year or however old it is. So...

female under 1 year: Pullet
male under 1 year: Cockerel
female over 1 year: Hen
male over 1 year: Cock(or rooster)

P.S. Rooster is the commonly used name for a male, but cock is more correct.

Matthew told us that you have an apple tree out there and Lauren wants to know if you know how to make apple juice and if it is easy? We don't really make apple juice since we don't get that many apples and they are pretty small. It's not the healthiest tree. We have made fresh apple cider with our 4h club though. The place where we have meetings(the Grange) has a big apple tree and our club leader has this huge old apple press. It's pretty easy,but you have to be really strong. It's really cool! But know we don't make apple juice so i don't know if it's easy.

Why do the chickens have their roost elevated (this was on the video tour of the barn on the barn yard pics page)? Well, one reason is that they like to sleep up high on bars or something. Our roost allows them to all snuggle closely. But the biggest reason is that chickens poop when they sleep and if they were just sitting on the ground it would get all over them. Ours had wiring between the bars so that they can't fall through, but the droppings can. Then there's a tarp that they land on so it's easy to clean up.

Are chicken sensitive to weather?  I saw on the video that when they are young they need the heat lamp but as they are older do they have problems with heat and or cold? As I have said before, there are some breeds that are more cold hardy than others and some that are heat tolerant. We try to stick to cold hardy ones. Most of ours have smaller types of combs so that they won't freeze like big single combs can. We also get really fluffy ones. So, yes they can have problems with the cold and I guess the heat if it gets really hot, but for the most part if you've researched your breeds and get ones that will do well in your area, there won't be any problems.

Lauren also want to know why do Marie and Lucy have long, floppy ears? Well, they are Nubians(that's their breed) and all Nubians have long ears. The reason is that they are from a place called Nubia in Africa. Lucy and Marie didn't come from there, but the first Nubian goats lived there. All animals are made to be able to survive in their habitat. Since Africa is really hot the animals there have to be able to live there without overheating. Their long ears actually help to keep them cool! Isn't that neat? Just like African elephants.

 Love and miss you guys! Thanks for the awesome questions!

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