Thursday, May 9, 2013

11. Life and milk?

1. How long do chickens live? Until they die. Haha! That's what our "chicken man" told a kid at the poultry meeting the other week. Chickens live pretty long. There's not really an exact time, because many chickens are killed after a few years because their production slows down or a predator gets them. Lots of people do keep chickens until they die naturally. Some chickens have lived to be about 20 others 15. So, yeah they live a long time.

2. You had told me that it is not legal to buy raw goats milk?  What is raw goat’s milk and why is it illegal to sell it?   How do you make the milk ready for human consumption? Raw milk is unpasteurized. Pasteurization as you know, kills the bacteria. It's heated to a certain temperature then rapidly cooled. We did this with ours since our milking barn wasn't the cleanest. Here's what I found on why it is illegal...
One of the potential problems raw-milk opponents often point to is campylobacteriosis, a gastrointestinal disease caused by campylobacter- a bacteria universally present in birds, including domestic poultry. The symptoms, which range from mild to severe, include abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and fever. Apparently, farm families who drink raw milk regularly build up an immunity. Most of the reported cases have involved farm visitors, those unused to raw milk. Raw-milk advocates point out that the incedence is very small - might as well worry about being struck by a meteorite, they say. (That was from a dairy goat book of mine.)
Dairy farmers get around this law by selling milk shares. They basically say that you bought part of the goat (or cow) and that they care for and milk it for you.

3. How long do Nubian Goats live? They live about as long as dogs, so like 10-15 years.


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