Friday, May 3, 2013

5. Eggs, water and colors?

These are all a combination of my questions and the kids questions. 
love you

1. How often do chickens lay eggs?   Hey, can all eggs be baby chickens?  What conditions do you need to have your eggs turn into baby chickens? Chickens usually lay one egg a day, sometimes every other day though. As they get older it slows down. Only eggs that have been fertalized by a rooster can hatch. They need to be placed under a hen or in an incubator in less than like 12 after they've been laid. It needs to be a steady temperature and humidity, then the egg will hatch in exactly 21 days. And, yes if the hen is hatching it she sits there the whole time except for really short food breaks once in a while(people always ask that).

2. Do you have water that comes from the mountains around you or do you use a hose like we would?  How do you get enough water to feed all those animals?  Over here we get our water through the city water/sewer system. We use a hose, but I think the water comes from our well house. We do have some faucets outside that use the same as our water we drink, but the other ones are closer to the barn. We fill milk jug gallons to give them water in their stalls and the hose reaches the outside buckets.

3. Can you control the color of a chickens eggs by feeding it something strange? I don't think so. Each breed just lays a specific color. You can give them things that make their eggs taste weird though, like onions, peppers, and garlic. Also, we feed them their own egg shells. They have calcium which helps make the egg shells stronger.

Love and miss you guys!

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